Health benefits of Banana

Health benefits of Banana



A banana gives us health and strength. This fruit can change our life. It can be used in many kinds of foods and drinks.

Even if you are trying to wean your baby, this is the best and most nutritious food for your baby.

If you want to make an instant energy drink for yourself, mix milk in banana, blend it, your the energy-filled drink is ready.

100 grams of banana contains 0.3 grams of fat, zero cholesterol, 1 milligram of salt, about 360 milligrams of potassium, 12 grams of sugar,2.6 grams of dietary fiber and 1.1 grams of protein.

A medium-sized banana has 105 calories.

It is also a perfect fruit for picnics and parties etc. It is easy to peel, and it does not spoil your hands and feet.

It contains a lot of potassium which is why it protects against many diseases. It removes iodine deficiency, strengthens cracks. It has more solid nutrients and less water.


Best friend of your heart

It is known as super-fruit due to a large amount of potassium present in it.

It also protects against stroke and heart attack. In addition to potassium, bananas also contain fiber, vitamin C and B6, good for heart health.


Banana eliminate all forms of acidity and provide immediate relief from various ailments.


Blood pressure:

Banana is very useful in lowering high blood pressure because of potassium in it.


A source of healthy energy

You may have noticed that whenever you eat a banana, you feel strength and instant energy in you.

That is why people who value their beauty and fitness should take two bananas before their gym and workout. They like to eat bananas so that their energy does not decrease while working out and their blood sugar level rises.

Eating banana does not cause muscle spasms or burns during the workout. It also helps to overcome swellings.

In addition to carbohydrates, bananas also contain vitamins and minerals, which makes the bones stronger.


Mood Changer Fruit

Banana also relieves your depression and helps you to be happy. Because it contains tryptophan, which is converted to serotonin, a neurotransmitter to make the mood pleasant, so you can eat bananas to improve your mood. It is because this fruit raises your blood sugar level and relieves stress.

In addition, pregnant women who wake up in the morning feeling unwell also benefit from eating bananas.


The Risk of Anemia Falls:

Anemia causes tiredness, paleness, and breathlessness. It results from a reduction in red blood cells and a low level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Bananas contains a lot of iron. This stimulates the production of red blood cells, which increases blood flow in your body.

Bananas contain vitamin B6, which regulates blood glucose levels helping people with anemia.


Reduce Stress Levels

Getting the right amount of potassium keeps your heart beating properly, and because of this, your brain gets oxygen. Keeping your body's water balance right also helps keep your digestive system healthy. It lowers your stress levels and makes you feel better.


Banana Skin for Treating Skin & Hair Problems


Banana skin can be used to treat devastating skin problems like psoriasis and acne. If you blend the skin up with some other natural ingredients many people speak of this being a great natural hair mask that can help put back some much needed moisture giving you fresh, healthy-looking locks again.


Make yourself dynamic and smart

Eat a banana before going to an exam or a presentation. Potassium levels in bananas keep you alert, fast, active and smart. Your thinking ability improves, and you are ready to do

your best.


The best protector for your stomach

The pectin and digestive enzymes in bananas can upset your body's ability to digest acidity and heavy foods. The ingredients in bananas expel all of these things from your body.

Banana cures them in both cases. It not only improves your digestion but also protects your electrolytes. As a natural prebiotic and antiseptic, banana also protects against bacteria and gastric ulcers. And protects against heartburn and acidity.


Diet with Banana

If you want to lose weight, but you can't control your cravings for sweets, then come to the sweetness of bananas.

That is, you can satisfy your cravings with bananas. Due to this, your digestion slows down a bit, and as a result, you do not feel hungry again and again, and the demand for food decreases.


Sharp eyesight

As a major source of vitamin A and beta-carotene, bananas keep the cornea of ​​your eyes clean and keep your eyes healthy. Eating it makes your eyesight sharper.

Nature has hidden all the nutrients. It is a cheap fruit that is within reach of everyone.

It is an important fruit for our physical health, it also prevents cancer.

Iron in it makes up for the lack of hemoglobin in the body. Calcium in it strengthens bones. Eating bananas keeps the body cool in summer and also in case of fever. It lowers body temperature. It can be said about bananas that It’s a reward for us from nature.

It's rich nutrition removes energy deficiency in the body and gives it health and well-being. It is an equally popular fruit among rich and poor. That is why it is said that banana is not the food of monkeys.





How about eating a banana at night?


Bananas are extremely beneficial for human health, the nutrients and antioxidants in them are healthy for human beings. The nutritional value of bananas cannot be denied as they are full of nutrients that provide energy to the human body in the blink of an eye.

Bananas are rich in potassium, which is essential for controlling blood pressure levels.

Banana eliminates the germs that cause stomach ulcers because it removes acidity and is also an elixir for constipation. According to some old people, eating a banana at night causes cold and cough, but is it really harmful to eat a banana at night?

At the same time, it keeps the heart rate normal. Bananas are high in sodium carbonate, which is extremely useful for the stomach.

According to experts, bananas can be eaten at any time of the day or night. But since bananas take time to digest, if you eat bananas at night, eat them at least 2 hours before going to bed. Bananas are high in magnesium, and it takes time to digest, so don’t go to sleep immediately after eating a banana.


Banana is a fruit that is on the market 365 days a year and is the only fruit that everyone loves.


Delicious as well as nutritious

Bananas contain vitamins, fiber, and natural sweeteners that are good for health. As soon as the doctor says that if you eat a banana daily, you will not have to go to the doctor.

Often people buy a lot of bananas at once. As a result, they start to deteriorate, and people throw them away.

But what people don't know that these brown spots are extremely helpful in eliminating cancer and reducing the risk of developing brain tumors. At the same time, brown spotted bananas also improve the immune system.


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