10 interesting foods that will never expire

 10 interesting foods that will never expire

The refrigerator was discovered in 1834 by Jacob Perkins of London and the world's first refrigeration system, the first step in today's generation of modern refrigerators. Jacob Perkins invented the refrigeration system to keep food cool, stay safe for a long time, and don't get spoiled.

Jacob's discovery is serving all of humanity today, but it also doesn't keep food safe for long, and even then, the food gets spoiled.

In this article, I'll mention 10 interesting foods that will never expire. Or we can say, last a very long time.

White Rice


rice can be stored for more than 30 years if stored in an oxygen-free container at temperatures below 40 degrees Celsius and its nutritional value is maintained even after such a long period of time. Brown rice cannot last so long and expires in 6 months due to the oil present in them.





Vinegar has many benefits for human health, and it is not the only ability of vinegar, but it also has many other benefits, one of which is that it does not spoil, experts say that apple cider vinegar, White vinegar, blister vinegar, raspberry vinegar, rice wine vinegar, red wine vinegar are vinegar that does not expire if they are stored in an airtight jar.





Nature has endowed the bee with alchemy that modern science has researched the most, and still, they don’t know about it fully. Honey is considered the only food in the world that never really gets spoiled. Interestingly, the oldest jar of honey discovered so far is 5,500 years old.

Ingredients in honey are of high acidic properties, it contains very little moisturizer so that bacteria can never grow in honey, which does not spoil the honey, but if the honey is not kept in an airtight jar; it starts absorbing moisture from the air, and then this moisture causes the honey to expire.

 Read more: https://cookingfever101.blogspot.com/2020/08/8-best-foods-for-health.html.




If you research the salt we are using for food in our homes today; you will find that it is also thousands of years old. The Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan is the second largest salt mine in the world. It is said to have been discovered by the horses of Alexander the Great's army.

Salt has been used for centuries to preserve things for a long time. In Egypt, it was used to embalm the body because it absorbs moisture.

Note: If you are using iodized salt in your home kitchen, remember that this salt does not last more than five years due to the presence of iodine and deteriorates.


Dry Pulses



Dried pulses and beans do not spoil and can be stored for many years, use jars or plastic bags to store them.

Read More: https://cookingfever101.blogspot.com/2020/08/natural-remedies-for-headache.html.





Like salt, sugar never goes bad if it is protected from heat and moisture. Experts say that white sugar, brown sugar, etc. have no expiration date and can change color if left in the open air. Even then, it retains its sugar properties.


Soy Sauce



The use of soy sauce is older than 220 AD. Soy the sauce does not spoil for many centuries if stored in an airtight bottle and can be used for up to 1 year if stored in the refrigerator despite opening the bottle.




Alcohol is haraam to drink (in Islam) but not impure, and even if it is stored in an airtight jar protected from heat and sun, it does not spoil. But, if it is exposed to air, it gradually begins to spoil.


Dry Milk


Although powdered milk does not taste like fresh milk; its importance should not be denied as it can be stored for a long time. Experts say if airtight packaging of dry milk is protected from heat and sun, it can be stored for more than 10 years.


Corn Starch


Corn starch is one of the items we use in our daily diet and can be used for a long time if stored in an oxygen-safe place.


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