10 Best Natural Remedies for Headache

Best Natural Remedies for Headache


Did you ever feel a deep pain in any part of your brain? All of us must have experienced it at a certain age level. Or some might go through it regularly.
Today we will discuss,
  1. Headaches and their types
  2. Causes
  3. 10 easy and best Natural Remedies or Treatments for headache

Headaches and their types: -

Headache is actually not a pain in the brain parts. Instead, it is actually a pain in any other part of the body. As other parts sometimes can’t directly feel it. Mostly headache appears in the head, nerves, and around the neck area.
The most common types of headache are,
  • Cluster Headaches
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Sinus Headaches
  • Tension Headaches

The least common headaches also persist, For example, exertion headaches, hormone headaches, caffeine headaches.

Causes of Headache:

There are several reasons why headache appears. We will try to cover the maximum reasons for headaches to find out which is the common cause of your routine or daily headache.

1.Water Deficiency


A major cause of dis-functioning of the brain and body is water shortage. If we don’t drink enough water, it will lead to dehydration. 

Brain function will affect, and automatically it will cause pain. That’s why doctors recommend drinking 12-18 glasses of water daily.

2. Insomnia


If we don’t sleep at night, the end result is a headache. Staying up till late at night is a regular habit nowadays. 

Late-night parties restrict our sleep time. If we continuously use mobile phones or other gadgets without brakes, it will also lead to some serious health issues. Insomnia is caused by headaches.

3. Excessive Alcohol Consumption


Excessive beverages like beer, wine, alcohol, and soft drinks will also lead to headaches.

4. Smoking

We have read it many times on cigarette packs ‘Smoking Kills’ or ‘Smoking is injurious to health,’ but still we smoke. It is a common habit among youth. 

They smoke for fashion or to survive in high fi society. But, they don’t realize smokers’ immunity is less than others. Smoking causes regular headaches, which leads to migraines.

5. More Screen exposures

Not only children but of all ages are familiar with mobile phones and other gadgets. When they are in the frequent use of mobile, laptop, Pc, iPad or tablets, they are in danger.

Eyesight loss and headaches are the common symptoms caused by excessive screen time.

6. Histamine rich food


Histamine-rich foods are fermented beverages and yogurt. Dry fruits, avocado, and spinach are also rich in histamine. Less intake of these foods is recommended for headaches.

7. No regular Exercise


Exercise is a mechanism to keep the body and brain fit. Lacks in exercise intervals will also cause headaches.

If we spare our free time while sleeping and lying, it is an unhealthy habit that will lead to headaches.

8. Staying up till late
Not having enough sleep? Yes, it is a disease called insomnia. It is caused when we experience very little or no sleep at all. 

If we don’t take enough sleep, we will experience a less active body and brain. Regular headache is an early sign of health issues.

9. Heavy Light Exposure

Those who work or stay in heavy lights for long hours experience headaches. 

10. Excessive Nitrate Intake

Nitrate and nitrite-rich foods such as meat (bacon, beef, ham, hot dogs, salmon, jerky, dried fishes) cause headaches. 

While some vegetables are rich in nitrates, for example, lettuce, beetroot, celery, and spinach.

11. Fried/ Fast Food /Salt intakes


All the fried foods and fast foods cause headaches. 

Excessive intake of salt leads to high blood pressure. High blood pressure is the cause of headaches in most cases.

Natural Remedies or Treatments of Headache

1. Drink More Water


More water intake reduces headaches. That's why doctors suggest drinking 3-5 liters of water in a day.

2. Magnesium Rich Food Intake

Magnesium-rich foods prevent severe types of headaches, including migraine and cluster headache. 

Natural magnesium intake is possible with these fruits; Papayas, blackberries, bananas, guavas, raspberries, kiwi fruit, figs, avocados, and grapefruits. 

Magnesium-rich vegetables are pumpkin seeds. We can enhance magnesium intake by eating raw vegetables, quitting smoking, and by peanut oil.

3. Oil massage therapy


Oil massage therapy also helps naturally to get rid of headaches. Peppermint and lavender oil are best to use for oil massage.

4. Vitamin B complex


Vitamin B sources are meat, eggs, legumes, leafy vegetables, dairy products, seeds, cereals, and dairy products. They are good to reduce headaches.

5. Ginger Tea/ Coffee/Green-tea


Ginger is considered the best natural remedy for headaches. Regular black tea or green tea with some ginger in it will help to minimize headaches. 

Ginger oil massage also reduces migraines and other types of headaches. The
the aroma of ginger can stop nausea that occurs due to migraines. 

Coffee or caffeinated beverages are also good for instant relief in headaches.

6. Yoga


Yoga is a natural way of meditation. It reduces nerve pressure, tension, and stress.

7. Stay close to nature


As long as you stay close to nature, you will be more calm and relaxed. 

Listen to natural sounds like that of Tilawat of the Holy Quran (Recitation ) will soothe your soul. Your inner waves of peace will reflect and grow. 

Eating natural food will and cut processed and artificial flavors from your diet stops headaches.

8. Warm/Cold Compresses


Hot or cold compresses can be applied to our head or neck. Ice has an excellent effect on pain sensation while hot packs relax tense muscles. 

Elliott says the cold packs on the back of the neck or head constrict blood vessels and help block the brain's transmission of pain.

9. Warm Bath


A warm bath released stress and relaxes the mind and body. Automatically headaches will be gone forever. 

According to migraine.combaths and showers are just like heat therapy for migraines.

 Among all other heat-related remedies, a warm shower doesn't allow pain signals to reach the brain, helping soothe muscles.

10. Screen-time reduction


Gadgets screen time reduction is also a good treatment of headaches. 

It is common practice that a 20-second break should be taken after every 20 minutes by looking at an object 20 feet away. It will reduce fatigue and helps against headaches.


In a nutshell, I discussed the most common causes of headaches; I also covered the 10 easy and natural cures for headaches.

I hope you have read it by heart and soul. 

What I have learned in all this research is, ''We should stay close to nature. "

Also, I openly say that our artificial lifestyles are the main culprit behind these health issues.

So, stay healthy and eat healthy to overcome your headache problems. Let me know in the comment section that how can we change our living habits naturally? 

But if you think our lifestyle is perfect, then come forward and let's debate. 😀
